Check In

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Revision as of 04:18, 1 September 2014 by Gwhite (Talk | contribs)

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This is the screen where users will check in when they arrive at a mission. The intent is to have a computer near the command post that members can check in at. Members should enter their ID Number, Last Name, or email address on this screen. Once their member information appears they should review it, check their End Of Shift (EOS) time and enter a mileage. This screen will show members if they are field qualified or not and allow them to identify what equipment they have available to them. Only active members can log into a mission. Should an ID Number or Last Name Lookup find multiple members matching what has been entered, a list of members will be shown, and the correct one can be selected for checking.

New Guest members can also be created on this screen by pressing the New Guest Member button. When this button is pressed a new member will be created and this member will be automatically marked as a Guest Member (this field can be seen on the Members screen). Guest Members are assumed to be from other agencies than your own and assumed to be field qualified. The one exception to this rule is the first equipment qualification, often "Currently Field Ready" that can be used to make a guest not fields qualified.

If the member who is checking people into a mission has Member - Other's Information and Member - Edit Certs and Expirations Login permissions, once a member is checked in there will be a "Edit Certifications" button that will appear. Pressing this button will go directly to the Members screen with the person who was checked in selected.

Help CheckIn.jpg