Email Forwarding

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Email Forwarding

You can create several special email address, emails received by these addresses will be forwarded to all you members as a SMS message, email or a phone call. These special email addresses are set in the Configuration screen, the following is a sample of how you might set up these forwarding addresses in the configuration:

Forward Prefix for Emails: emailmyteam
Forward Prefix for Text Messages: smsmyteam
Forward Prefix for Phone Calls: phonemyteam

If those were the settings you would send messages to the following addresses: - Will forward the message to all email addresses for all your members - Will forward the message to all SMS addresses for all your members - Will make a phone call to all your members and read them the message contents

Unit (Team Group Divider) names can also be specified as follows <unit>.<forwardprefix> Example:

Email prefixes can only contain the characters, 0-9, A-Z, _, or -.

Only emails from member email or text message addresses will be accepted for this feature.

Emails cannot be forwarded from the same email address used in the Return email address set in the Configuration.

Message forwarding can be delayed up to 5 minutes using this method. So for sending out time critical callout messages, it is still best to log into Mission Manager and use the Messages screen.