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Mission manager can collect responses from your members for such things as if they are responding to a mission or not, or a collection of response to a message. This is done by your members sending a message to several special email addresses you set up in the Configuration. Responses from members to a message can be seen from this screen by pressing the "Responses" button on the Messages screen. Members must be system administrators or have the Messaging - Responses login permission to have access to the Responses feature.

Request Response Button Method

Website Method

Members who have access to the Responses screen can log enter their responses directly on the screen itself without the need to send a message. Filters are available on the right side of the screen to if it is necessary to view responses from only certain individuals quickly. The total current responses in each category are available at the bottom of the screen.

  • Subject and Messages together can be no longer than 256 characters.
  • Email prefixes can only contain the characters, 0-9, A-Z, _, or -.
  • Only emails from member email or text message address will be accepted for this feature.
  • Emails cannot be forwarded from the same email address used in the Return email address set in the Configuration.
  • Message responses can be delayed up to 5 minutes using this method.

Email Method

The following is a sample of how you might set up these forwarding addresses in the Configuration (replace myteam below with the name of your team):

  • Responding Email Prefix for Attending: yes.myteam
  • Responding Email Prefix for Not Attending: no.myteam
  • Responding Email Prefix for Maybe Attending: maybe.myteam
  • Responding Email Prefix for On Scene: onscene.myteam

For your members to indicate they are responding or not they must create a new text or email message and send it to the following addresses (replace myteam below with the name of your team):

  • - if attending
  • - if not attending
  • - if maybe attending
  • if they are on scene

The following image is a sample of the Responses screen and shows how depending on what email address the message is sent to will depend on how their response is recorded. The text sent in the message will appear in the Message section of this screen:

Help ResponsesNew.PNG